Home Security after 2020
Congratulations! 2020 is finally coming to an end. Like many of you, I cannot wait to see this year in my rear-view mirror. I am hopeful that 2021 and beyond are much better. However, we still have the month of December to contend with. Historically, December has been a time where we celebrate the holidays with friends and family. Unfortunately, December is also a time of opportunity for criminals. Add to that the increase in violence this year and the holiday season could easily turn into a nightmare.
We at MIS offer the following tips to help prevent your home from being targeted. We are here to help keep the Holiday Season a safe and happy time.
Here are a few tips to avoid being a victim:
Take a walk around your property and consider a few things:
a. How would you break-in?
i. a window?
ii. a door?
iii. a skylight?
b. Does it look like someone is home?
i. are there any lights on?
ii. do you hear the TV or music playing?
c. Are your valuables in an obvious place?
i. are your gifts visible from outside?
ii. are there other valuables visible to the public?
After the year we have had in 2020, don’t let it get worse by becoming the victim of a crime. What better gift can you give yourself or a loved one than the gift of security? Basic systems are very reasonable, make great gifts, and can be upgraded to full home automation systems as time and budget allow.